General inquiries and answers.

RenoCost FAQs

Questions and Answers

Q-What exactly is RenoCost.com?

A-RenoCost.com is a website that connects directly to consumers and Contractors. It offers consumers the opportunity to submit a proposed construction or renovation that we send directly to the contractors concerned. Thus, we help Contractors from us to get more contracts, and we facilitate shopping for consumers in choosing the company to commit to achieve their construction or renovation. In addition, RenoCost.com can be used as a business directory of the most comprehensive and detailed. RenoCost.com also contractors to use the website to develop partnerships with other enterprises. With over 300 possible categories, RenoCost.com is a website unique in Quebec and offers a multitude of services to its members and consumers.

Q-How will RenoCost.com actually my company to grow?

A-RenoCost.com users are looking for skilled and qualified contractors to complete a building project or renovation. Thanks to your profile on the website, hundreds of users can access a mouse click to your photo gallery, your exact qualifications, your contact information and a host of other information related to your business. We also offer a completely free service where users can submit a construction project or renovation we will send you automatically by email, to give you the most opportunities possible to demonstrate your skills, and increase significantly your customers.


Q-How can I ensure that RenoCost.com will be able to help me fulfill all my needs for my building project or renovation? What cities are invovled with RenoCost.com?

A-RenoCost.com The website provides an opportunity for over 300 categories, including all construction sectors without exception, from simple plumbing, underwater, through post-disaster restoration construction new or glazing. There are companies near you working in each area who do not expect better than working for you. In addition, we take care of them of your building project or renovation, they are left to contact you, and you, to wait quietly in the comfort of your home. We invite you to submit a project. Simply click on the tab "submit proposals" on the home page.



Q-How can I ensure that RenoCost.com will be able to help me fulfill all my needs for my building project or renovation?
A-RenoCost.com The website provides an opportunity for over 300 categories, including all construction sectors without exception, from simple plumbing, underwater, through post-disaster restoration construction new or glazing. There are companies near you working in each area who do not expect better than working for you. In addition, we take care of them of your building project or renovation, they are left to contact you, and you, to wait quietly in the comfort of your home. We invite you to submit a project. Simply click on the tab "submit proposals" on the home page.


Q-What types of contractors are available on your website?
A-As mentioned above, more than 300 categories related to construction are listed on the website. We thus find all types of contractors on site. Our main concern in creating the site was to cover all areas of construction as possible to serve the demand for the best possible way. So regardless of the scope of work to effecteuer home, you find a qualified contractor RenoCost.com and qualified for your needs.

Q-When my project under construction or renovation, am I obliged to hire a contractor?
A-No. You have total and complete freedom for your project. You can remove it or change it at any time. You are not obligated to hire anyone. Our mission is simply to put you in touch with qualified contractors for your construction or renovation.


Q-What happens if I iI want to cancel a contract in the middle of my project?
A-Please see "Choosing a contractor," but fundamentally, the right to cancel or change a project along the way must be addressed in the terms and definitions of the contract you have with the contractor you have committed. To avoid misunderstandings that might result from the resignation of a contract, detailed and specific information relating to the work undertaken should be recorded in a contract in due form and should include the exact description of duties related to the project, materials necessary for its implementation and the actual duration of the work, with the date of commencement and completion of the project.

Q-Do RenoCost.com reserves the right to cancel the subscription of a member if the contractor has received a complaint from a customer?
A-We are obliged to assess each complaint individually and assess their seriousness to make an informed decision in the best of our knowledge. We evaluate each situation individually and use the method of case.

Our selection process

Q-Are there any specific restrictions for an Contractor to become a member of RenoCost.com?
A-contractors are required to provide significant experience and a number RBQ (Régie du Québec buildings).


Q-How a service such as RenoCost.com can make a profit if the services are free?
The A-RenoCost.com services are free to the public because Contractors pay for a detailed profile on the website.


Q-Will my personal information protected?
A-RenoCost.com has the protection of the privacy of its members as its users at heart. Our privacy policy is strict. All data received is stored in highly secure document, our computer system. So when you submit a project, only your first name and a description of your project will be sent to the contractors concerned only.

Q-I'm interested. HOW CAN I GET AN ACCOUNT?

Simply click here to complete our safe and fast in order to enjoy our services and submit a proposed construction or renovation.